Archive for May, 2011

I grew up around horse racing. Coming from a family of avid horse racing fans there was always a few things to look for when betting on the right horse. I love playing a sportsbook because I can virtually play any track I want. Not only that but many online sportsbooks have online casinos too.

Though my dad didn’t offer any online casino tricks he sure did have some tricks when it came to horse racing.  One that I always follow is never play the outside horses. They are just too far and wide to close in on the finish line. Only play the top jockeys and never play a horse that has on blinders because they are way to skittish.

The racing form can be complicated to those that are not familiar with it. I mainly follow the odds of the horse for the most part. I generally stay away from horses that are going off at even odds because unless you are going to place a large wager your not going to earn too much money.

I was always told to follow my hunches. Even if the horse is the longest shot in the race, don’t ever ignore your gut feelings. I learned this lesson early on. I remember having a hunch on a horse after seeing it come out of the paddock and it was going off at 50-1. I had a feeling about that horse and placed $10 to win on it and it won paying $500.

Come to think of it dad did offer an online casino trick once. He always said that when playing Video Poker a pair on each end (bookends as he referred them) never win. I have watched that closely and have to admit that 99% the time they don’t win when I hold them.

What works for you when you’re betting on the ponies?





My passion is slots, especially when they offer a great bonus game. Depending on what online casino I play, there is always a machine or two that are looser than the rest. My personal casino trick is to head to these slots when my credits are getting low.

Mayan Queen, a Real Time Gaming (RTG) slot does just that for me. Now this is not fool proof but she has pulled me out of the gutter more than once building my bankroll back to even more than my deposit. One time I was down to a mere $0.22 in my players account. Mayan Queen is a 25 line slot so I didn’t even have enough to wager on all the lines. Yes, I know I shouldn’t have waited so long! The Mayan Queen tipped her scepter in my direction and granted me the bonus round. On that spin alone, I ended up winning $37. Good times.

Another hot slot that helps me out is one of the newest slots, RTG’s Coat of Arms. Like a Knight rushing in to guard my credits, it can lift my spirits and weigh down my pockets in no time.

Just remember that slots that are loose tend to change. I use to rely heavily on Mystic Dragon but quickly realized it was no longer my savior. The online casinos like to keep us gamblers guessing. It’s like the land based casinos when they move around the slots like musical chairs and now you don’t know one machine from the rest. I have had my hot spots and gone back only to find they’ve been moved. Ugh!

This is a casino trick that has helped me out and I definitely think there are those machines that will keep us alive and in the action when the chips are way down.

If you’re unfamiliar with RTG here’s some background.

Realtime Gaming

Roulette is a game that many players think there are no casino tricks to winning. I personally love Roulette and I learned a trick or two along the way. Sometimes these tricks work and other times there is no cooperation. Of course this all involves taking chances and as gamblers we all take them.

Placing or chips on red or black gives a 50/50 chance of winning. Not bad odds when you think about it. I say put your entire bankroll on a certain color or as high as the table will allow and take chance of doubling up. Think about it, you have a 50/50 chance for sure. You can play all day on slots and not have these odds and end up losing your pants in the end.

Another casino trick I use is watching the board and all the numbers called. I look for patterns. When certain numbers are consistently being called that is a good indicator. Chances are they will pop up again in the next few spins of the Roulette wheel.

Playing online, the numbers are dictated by the Random Number Generator.  Supposedly there is no set pattern but time and time again I can’t help but see particular numbers favored. In this case, I will place my chips all around the number as well as inside. They aren’t guaranteed to hit but I have had my fair share of accomplished wins while pulling these casino tricks out of my hat.

When I play Roulette more conservatively I will play only the corners of each number allowing more opportunities with four numbers to win on. I may only get a quarter of the win but it is a nice way for me to build up my bankroll. Once I have a nice stack of chips then I place my wagers directly on the number to cash in 100%.

Whenever I need lady luck the most while playing online casinos she seems to be missing in action, literally. Being a slot player I have concluded that she tends to gravitate to the craps table. Did you ever notice the cheers and jeers from players in one of the most exciting table games invented? Come to think of it, I can’t really blame her for not coming to my aid every time I beckon her.

I need all the casino tricks I can muster when I’m down to my last few credits. Time and time again I wonder where that little trollop has run off to next. Lady Luck is particular I am certain as she graces her presence on who should win next. She spreads her luck around all of us but sometimes I think she may spread it to thin.

I think it would be best if she reorganizes. Like when I spin the reels and hit the bonus round for a chance at the big jackpot. Lady Luck needs some emergency assistance. Come by lear jet straight into my living room and zap the online casino in my favor.

I wouldn’t mind having her job. Maybe I could strike a deal with the players and get a piece of the pie if show up. Nope, Lady Luck is way too honorable to take bribes. Ah, if I only knew the secrets to get her attention. She sneaks up on me when I least expect and am about to shut the lid on my laptop. The casino trick is here is to know what grabs her attention. The poor thing runs from one gambler to the next and must be a very busy lady for sure.

At least she can rest her tootsies in our homes as we play online casinos away from the madness of land based casinos. Maybe I’ll prepare a big pitcher of sangria and get her a bit tipsy next time she drops by. There I go trying to bribe Lady Luck.

WMS launched an online casino earlier this year called Jackpot Party which bears the same name as a popular slot game. WMS is the company responsible for those slot games in the land casinos that raise your blood pressure. One in particular is Jackpot Party. It’s the slot game that blows the party horns. Three of them on a pay line trigger the interactive bonus round where you are prompted to touch the screen selecting presents. Each one reveals a prize but scattered throughout the screen are Poopers, characters that want to end your jackpot party. Needless to say, playing this game in the land casino raises my blood pressure beyond belief. The sound of those horns is permanently burned in my brain. This was my favorite slot game for years so you can imagine my surprise when they created an online casino. Lately I’m wondering if there may be a casino trick up their sleeve.

I signed up and to be honest had impeccable luck. Naturally, it became my favorite online getaway.  For the first few weeks of membership, my luck remained good. Wins and losses were fairly equal. I cashed out a £1,900 in the first month. After my last cash out I can’t even win a tenner. I know all too well that we can’t win them all but almost every spin produces no results and believe me, I’ve made numerous deposits.

Other players have commented in chat that “new players” tend to have good luck. At that moment I knew others were noticing the same thing. Do you think it’s possible that the online casinos can control who’s winning and who’s losing? My experiences have really made me wonder.

For me, the slot games are some of the best out there. I’m probably biased because I played their games in the land casinos for years. The first slot I ever put cash into was Jackpot Party. Are great games enough to keep you depositing?

They are TST certified and this certification includes RGN evaluations, game and mathematics evaluations etc. Are you convinced by these certifications or do you believe in the possibility of a trick to reel in new players before slamming the door on us.

Gambling at home has more advantages than you may realize. Online casinos can’t pull the same casino tricks that we are exposed to at land casinos.

I recently came across an article listing numerous tactics used in land casinos to reel us in. For starters, there are typically no windows or clocks. We as players can easily lose track of time. Loose slot machines are strategically placed so players entering the casino are exposed to the lights and sounds of wins. Drinks are served to us eliminating the need to get up. Casinos are built like a labyrinth to ensure that we lose ourselves and are subject to all the casino tricks.

Gambling from my couch is looking better and better. I can get up and grab my own glass of wine thank you.

Keno can be a casino trick in itself.  There’s a  reduced house edge and the game is widely known for its hefty payouts. Online casinos offer Keno as well as bingo sites so it’s readily available.

The rules are simple. Creating matches is critical.  It is similar to lottery where every player has a ticket of 20 numbers. Select the number of games you wish to play and predict the winning numbers for each round. It’s that simple. If you’re not feeling psychic, don’t worry.

If you search out bingo bonuses, you will find that Keno is not an excluded game. Slots are restricted in many cases but Keno counts toward wagering requirements. Try something new. It just might pad your bankroll.

Oh my goodness! A man claims to be a programmer and have a trick to winning at roulette. Could we all be rich by the end of the day?

First off, he has added the title of Dr. to his name. This I don’t get but on to his plan. He has created a webpage dedicated to “giving” you the trick that has made him over €200,000. He was banned from the casino at that point.

He claims that he was hired by an online casino as a programmer. He identified a glitch in the roulette software that caused guaranteed wins. Basically an action was programmed to never happen in error. The best part is that he’s willing to share! His simple trick actually seems to be quite elaborate.  Apparently he has tons of accounts in the names of friends and family and has simply run out of trusted people to open accounts for him. Aw how sad.

He gives the details of the software glitch and reassures that he will remove the webpage should the trick no longer work. All you have to do is give him €1000 via the PayPal button on his webpage each time you win more than  €5000. Yeah, and I’m the tooth fairy.

There’s no doubt that American players are suffering through gambling prohibition when it comes to online casinos. There are still a few tricks to depositing.

A major loss for Americans was the use of credit cards and eWalletXpress but you’ve still got options.  Among these deposit options are Gold Pay, Alert Pay, MyPaylinQ, Money Line Wallet, eCheck US and paysafecard.

Now it seems that the trick is to find a casino that accepts U.S. players. They’re dropping like flies lately out of fear of the consequences for violating UIGEA. I know gamblers that have successfully deposited via live chat. Sometimes there are back door methods. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.