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Good Luck Charm

Posted: September 13, 2011 in Uncategorized

Watching people at land based casinos is so much fun.  This is what makes getting out and gambling as much fun as gambling in the comfort of your own home at an online casino. Folks have all sorts of casino tricks up their sleeves.

Recently, I went land based and blew my bankroll almost instantly. I was with a friend so I watched him play for a while and served as a good luck charm. Apparently, I was doing a pretty good job because he was kicking some butt on video poker. He played the version that has 100 hands and hit 4 aces twice. That was $800 for the first time and $800 for the second.

I looked around and another player caught my eye. She was playing a $1 slot machine and wagering $5 per spin. At first I thought this was steep but then I realized that I typically play $4 per spin on some of the slot games that I play. Her technique was interesting. She would spin at $5 then press the “bet” button 5 times as if to refresh her bet. It would be much simpler to select “repeat bet” but there had to be some method to her madness. She also pulled the handle on occasion. I wondered what went through her mind as she did this.

The slot machine was one of those that offer a bonus spin. A wheel was hoisted up above the machine and when the “spin” symbol landed on the reels she was instructed touch the screen to start the bonus and to look up. She was very specific in the way that she touched the screen. She sort of made and “S” shape. The only reason I noticed was because the sound when she landed the bonus caught my attention. When I looked over she was lightly touching the screen. It wasn’t enough pressure so she had to do it several times but she wouldn’t change her style. Unfortunately, what she had done didn’t make much difference because she played her $250 bankroll down to zero and moved on.

People watching is so entertaining but being a good luck charm was wearing me out.