Posts Tagged ‘Bingo’

I had a lovely afternoon of sun and swimming. The sun was shining and the water was beyond cold. I believe that sea water is used to fill this pool. The pool juts out into the ocean and I think the water is somehow filtered and pumped in. Soaking up all that Vitamin D felt so good so I can’t complain. My friends and I made a day of it and ended with an evening of Bingo.

I must admit that I could use some fancy casino tricks to assist me with my bingo game. I spend more on the bingo tickets than I can manage to win back. A line here or a double line there doesn’t add up to much.

We made the early session. The first game was a full house. Each number was red, yellow or blue. I knew fairly early on that I wasn’t going to get anywhere. My friends and I shared a table and not one of us was even close to the house. There’s a break in the session and it’s Party Bingo time. I played and managed to win £9.

The only thing you miss with an online casino is the experience. The people watching is so much fun. There are moments during the bingo game where I completely lose track of my numbers because my eyes have locked on to someone. Couples fighting just cracks me up. I see it all the time. The folks with stuffed animals are always sitting at the same table. They have three little stuffed bears and loads of dabbers in every color of the rainbow.

The main session came and went and took our luck with it. Many times I can say I waited for one or two numbers or I was so close. No stories of being on edge.

Do you use lucky charms to bring you luck at the casinos or bingo clubs? What items bring you luck?