Posts Tagged ‘Random Number Generator’

Everyone has a trick or two up their sleeves when it comes to gambling and online casinos are no exception. The question being, is there really a fool proof system to beat the online casinos? In a reality the probability is problem slim at best.

The Random Number Generator (RNG) is the determining factor of the next jackpot winner according to theorists. Because of this program that is employed on most online casinos predicting the outcome or system makes it virtually impossible. The combinations on the reels of a slot machine are in the thousands. There is no set pattern as to what the next spin will reveal. The same holds true for Roulette, Blackjack and all the casino games.

There are many players that swear there is a predictable pattern and they can determine when a machine is about to hit. Every player has a different perception of casino tricks. Certain patterns indicate to a player if they are on a so called good machine or a bad one.

One of the most common indicators to a gambler that a jackpot is near is when they are consistently win just enough that their bankroll holds steady. Others believe that once they are down to their very last few credits and a winning spin hits, it’s a definite clue that the machine has finally warmed up and the luck is in their corner. I have been burned my this theory many times. Sometimes I have to be hit with a brick before I get it.

No matter what casino tricks a gambler may have, in the end it all comes down to being at the right place at the right time. A slot machine does not pick nor choose who will be the next winner. It is all about timing and a bit of good luck on your side.

I came across a blog that I enjoyed regarding slots being pure luck. I thought I’d share so feel free to check it out here.