Posts Tagged ‘Roulette’

Roulette is a game that many players think there are no casino tricks to winning. I personally love Roulette and I learned a trick or two along the way. Sometimes these tricks work and other times there is no cooperation. Of course this all involves taking chances and as gamblers we all take them.

Placing or chips on red or black gives a 50/50 chance of winning. Not bad odds when you think about it. I say put your entire bankroll on a certain color or as high as the table will allow and take chance of doubling up. Think about it, you have a 50/50 chance for sure. You can play all day on slots and not have these odds and end up losing your pants in the end.

Another casino trick I use is watching the board and all the numbers called. I look for patterns. When certain numbers are consistently being called that is a good indicator. Chances are they will pop up again in the next few spins of the Roulette wheel.

Playing online, the numbers are dictated by the Random Number Generator.  Supposedly there is no set pattern but time and time again I can’t help but see particular numbers favored. In this case, I will place my chips all around the number as well as inside. They aren’t guaranteed to hit but I have had my fair share of accomplished wins while pulling these casino tricks out of my hat.

When I play Roulette more conservatively I will play only the corners of each number allowing more opportunities with four numbers to win on. I may only get a quarter of the win but it is a nice way for me to build up my bankroll. Once I have a nice stack of chips then I place my wagers directly on the number to cash in 100%.

Oh my goodness! A man claims to be a programmer and have a trick to winning at roulette. Could we all be rich by the end of the day?

First off, he has added the title of Dr. to his name. This I don’t get but on to his plan. He has created a webpage dedicated to “giving” you the trick that has made him over €200,000. He was banned from the casino at that point.

He claims that he was hired by an online casino as a programmer. He identified a glitch in the roulette software that caused guaranteed wins. Basically an action was programmed to never happen in error. The best part is that he’s willing to share! His simple trick actually seems to be quite elaborate.  Apparently he has tons of accounts in the names of friends and family and has simply run out of trusted people to open accounts for him. Aw how sad.

He gives the details of the software glitch and reassures that he will remove the webpage should the trick no longer work. All you have to do is give him €1000 via the PayPal button on his webpage each time you win more than  €5000. Yeah, and I’m the tooth fairy.